PPANJ North Region – Annual Picnic and Shootout
Free cruise for PPANJ North Region Members
August 24, 2009
Liberty State Park, Jersey City located at New Jersey Turnpike Exit 14b
10 AM The yellow highlighted area (Morris Pesin Drive) shows the directions to the parking lot (free of charge). We will meet at the parking lot next to the main building where you will be able to see the U.S. Flag Plaza.
From there we will go to the ferry, a 15 minute walk--lower Manhattan will be on our right for photographing!! (See the blue line in the map)
10:30 AM Cruise through history, a journey that will explore Lower Manhattan and the islands of New York Harbor. Relax and take in the sights from the comfort of a Liberty Harbor Cruise.
Highlights Include:
• Ellis Island - an unmatched perspective
• Statue of Liberty - symbol of freedom & hope.
The Cruise is FREE to all PPANJ-North Region members.
1:30 PM Picnic at the park…Food, surprises and a lot of fun. If you are unable to join us at the cruise, feel free to join us at the picnic.
To obtain your tickets please register by contact our secretary Kathy Harris at; HarrisPhotography.Kathy@gmail.com
Bring you family and friends and let's have fun. Don't forget your cameras!
This year we are introducing an open subject photo contest!!
Bring your camera and let your imagination go.
Rules of the contest:
The photograph has to be taken the day of the picnic.
You need to submit one print, size 8x10 and low res digital file (72 dpi).
It can be a family portrait, landscape, painted, illustrative or anything else.
At the upcoming meeting we will collect the prints and announce the prize.
The winner print will be announced on our BLOG. It will be worth it!!!
We want to thank our sponsors who made this possible. We could not have done it without their support.
Ken Color Lab – Fairfield, NJ
Unique Superstore – Fairfield, NJ
Solar DoMinho – Roselle Park, NJ
Costco – Union, NJ
Americas Best Limousines – Fairfield, NJ
Our vendors have been kind enough to provide us with food, beverage and prizes. Thank You!!
Event produced by PPANJ Board Members with Mario at the helm!
Mario Cornejo CPP | 1st VP PPANJ North Region
MC Productions
9085-591-9927 | 973-777-9099
1132 Route 46 West | Clifton | NJ | 07013
Mario@mcdpro.net | WWW.MCDPRO.NET