March 18, 2011

Letter Re Covention from Pres. Mario Cornejo

Dear PPANJ North Chapter members

We have started this year with our curriculum of activities.

1) In February we just had our annual auction where several members benefited from this event.

2) We are just a few days from our Convention and we need your support for this event, if you have not registered please do so.

3) In April we’ll have a statewide program with Michal Barton at Forsgate CC. I personally have seen this speaker in a national platform and I must say that he is excellent.

Registration is now open for this event at our website

Finally, on May 18th we will have Frank Dispensa with a new program about lighting and this program will be held at Unique, the same day we will have the election for the new slate of officers 20011-2012.

I want to reach out to all members who haven't registered or decided not to attend our annual convention. I understand that times are tough, that our industry is in bad shape, there is not enough work, and there is too much competition etc, etc.

I can fill this letter up with complaints BUT if we stay home doing nothing I assure you that NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

It’s time to reinvent ourselves; it’s time to learn from the people who are successful today, it’s time to find inspiration and new ways to succeed. It’s time to see old friends, make new friends and share with your colleges. This upcoming convention promises to be one the best events in the East Cost - 20 speakers, social events, discussions panels, activities and a sold out trade show full of promotions, discounts and new products to see.

Everything is set the only thing missing is YOU...

Looking forward for a great time! I’ll see you at the convention.


Mario Cornejo CPP

PPANJ North Region President

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